Physical Education and Sports at Christ Church
At Christ Church, we are committed to providing our pupils with high quality physical education and sports throughout the school year. We have a highly experienced specialist P.E. teacher who works with every class across the year and is supported in delivering P.E. by a specialist Sports Coach from Charlton Athletic Community Trust.
The school has close links with the Shooters Hill Post 16 Campus on Red Lion Lane and the Sports Leader students from the college work with classes from the school.
Our pupils take part in inter school sports competitions at different times of the year and our Year 6 Sports Leaders support the younger children during the Daily Mile before school each day.
In the summer term, the whole school enjoys taking part in Sports Day, supported by students and staff from Eltham Hill School, as well as other sporting activities as part of our annual Outdoor Week. These have included skipping workshops, kayaking, climbing wall workshops, orienteering and many more.
We have swimming lessons by a professional swimming coach at the Shooters Hill Post-16 Campus for pupils in Year 3 and 4 as well as catch-up sessions for any pupils who cannot yet swim 25m in Year 6.
Our Year 5 & 6 pupils take part in a range of outdoor physical challenges on their residential school journeys in March each year, including activities such as raft building, archery tag, kayaking and aerial assault courses.
Our Year 6 pupils complete a Bikeability week each year and the whole school engages with Cycle to School week with activities such as riding bikes and scooters in the MUGA during PE sessions and a Family Scoot and Cycle in Oxleas Woods after school one day.
Our experienced P.E. Lead has developed a broad and balanced curriculum for our pupils that covers all requirements of the national curriculum and places a high value on maximising physical activity during lessons.
Our pupils learn the value of good sportsmanship and this is developed from Reception through to Year 6.
Sporting achievements outside of school are highly valued and celebrated every Friday during our Family Worship, where children bring in a range of awards and achievements from their clubs and activities outside of school to share within our school community.
Standards in PE across the School
Physical Education Number of pupils at age related expectations – JULY 2022 |
BE below |
AE at |
EE exceed |
Year 1 |
3% |
90% |
7% |
Year 2 |
3% |
90% |
7% |
Year 3 |
3% |
80% |
16.7% |
Year 4 |
0% |
77% |
23% |
Year 5 |
3% |
65% |
32% |
Year 6 |
7% |
45% |
48% |
Years 1-6 |
3% |
74% |
22% |
Swimming skills at Christ Church July 2022
Percentage of Year 6 cohort swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres | XX% TBC |
Percentage of Year 6 cohort use a range of strokes effectively [for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke]? | XX% TBC |
Percentage of your Year 6 cohort perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations? | XX% TBC |
Schools can choose to use the Primary PE and Sport Premium to provide additional provision for swimming that must be for activity over and above the national curriculum requirements. Has Christ Church used it this way? | No |
Physical Education Curriculum at Christ Church
Click here to view our Physical Education Curriculum Map.