Christ Church C of E Primary

Achievement and Standards

We are very proud of every child's achievements at Christ Church. We work hard and aim to try and out perform national expectations at every level.

This page provides an explanation and summary of how our pupils perform against national and local measures.

Year 1 Phonics Screening 2023

Children are tested at the end of Year 1 on their phonics knowledge. This is done by children reading 40 words and nonsense words. Children who correctly attempt the threshold amount, are deemed to be working at the expected level. Children scoring below the threshold are deemed to be working below. These children are then given extra phonics support in Year 2 and re-tested at the end of the year.

Year 1 Phonics Total no. of Year 1 pupils % of pupils working at the required standard (32+/40):


National 2019

    86% 79%

In 2023, 90% of our children in Year 2 had passed, compared to a national pass rate of 84%.

Christ Church Key Stage 1 Results 2023

When children reach the end of Year 2, they are teacher assessed across a range of different subjects to see if they are attaining 'working towards' (not yet at National Standard), 'at standard', or 'exceeding' the National Standard. In 2023, pupils at Christ Church surpassed national averages in all of the attainment measures illustrated in the table below:

  Reading Writing Maths Read/writing/maths combined
  school national school national school national school national
At Standard 77%  68% 67%  60% 77%  71% 63%  56%
Exceeding Standard 33% 19% 17%


23%  16% 13%  6%
In 2023 87% of our Year 2 pupils had attained the expected standard in science compared to 79% nationally.

Christ Church Key Stage 2 Results 2023

When children reach the end of Year 6, they are again assessed across a range of different subjects to see if they are attaining below, in line with or above national expectations. They are assessed:

By their teachers, who base their judgements on how the child has performed across not only the year, but during their time at Christ Church

By sitting their Statutory Assessment Tests (SATs). These are tests that take place at the School in May and are marked externally

 A School will initially aim to ensure that its pupils are ‘secondary ready’. A child who is deemed to be 'At Standard' would be secondary ready. A child not yet at this level would be deemed to be 'Working towards' the National Standard. Children working above the national standard would be deemed to be 'exceeding'.  In 2023, pupils at Christ Church surpassed national averages in of the attainment measures. These results are illustrated in the table below:

  Reading Writing teacher assessment Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Maths Reading/writing/maths combined
  school national school national school national school national school national
At Standard 90% 73% 77% 71% 100% 78% 83% 73% 73% 59%
Exceeding Standard 47% 29% 10% 13% 76% 36% 33% 24% 7% 8%

Key Stage 2 Value Added Progress Scores 2023

Reading: 2.8

Writing: - 0.9

Maths : 1.5

Key Stage 2 Average Scaled Scores in Reading, Maths and Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling 2019

Reading - 109 average scaled score

Maths - 107 average scaled score

GPS - 109 average scaled score


 OFSTED - Inspection Report

The School was last inspected in May 2009. The school was judged 'outstanding' in all areas. Please click here for a copy of the inspection report. The report can also be found under Ofsted tab on our home page.

SIAMS - Inspection Report

As a Church School, we are also subject to a separate inspection report which puts focus on the quality of our Christian character, Religious Education and collective worship amongst other things. We were last inspected in July 2019. The School was judged as 'excellent' in all areas. Please click here for a copy of the inspection report.